Konica Minolta C458
Lexmark XC9245 vs Konica Minolta C458
There the same machine. Current Price : $129 per month
If you are looking for a great new 45 ppm color copier with a full feature set and Scan to Cloud included, you can’t go wrong with the Konica Minolta C458 with the Lexmark Solutions package. Once Lexmark embedded their control panel on top of the machine it helps improve overall usability. With a Free App to Connect to common Clouds program like One Drive and DropBox (among others), it’s hard to beat the setup and end user experience.
On top of the great features is one that KM doesn’t have. Tiered billing for color pages. Did you know 90 % of all color pages have less than 10% fill. This is a major factor as most resellers charge a rate calculated on the fill is 20% or higher. We have service and supplies programs that help your bottom line while providing the best technology available.
When you ready for a step up combined with great hardware and service pricing, call Canyon Falls Business Solutions or email: [email protected]