Technology provides the foundation for nearly every aspect of modern business . Managing it, however, can be complex . This is where managed IT services providers (MSPs) can help. Whether your company needs software solutions, network infrastructure management services, or cloud technology, MSPs can provide all this and more.
Managed IT Service Provider
Managed IT Providers also know as MSPs are companies composed of specialists from various IT fields. They deliver various IT services (e.g. cloud conversion, help desk , cybersecurity, backup & disaster recovery) and manage their customers networks under a subscription program.
Making The Choice
While there are numerous MSPs out there, not all of them are equipped to meet your company’s unique needs. You can only achieve optimum IT results by selecting the right MSP.
Here are some criteria to keep in mind:
- Depth of skills and experience – They should also have expertise in advanced IT functions, such as database management, cloud technology, security, so they can keep pace with your company’s growing IT requirements..
- Contract also Called an (SLA) – An SLA is a contract that dictates the standards that your MSP must meet. It should be able to answer these questions: Can they conduct remote and on-site support? What are their guaranteed response and resolution times? If they fail to meet their committed service levels, do they offer rebates or money-back guarantees?
- Third-party vendor partnerships – Pick an MSP with an ongoing relationship with the technology vendors (e.g., Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce) whose products you already use in your IT environment. Verify the partnership the MSP has with those vendors. The higher the partnership level, the more vendor certifications the provider has, which means they can provide plenty of expertise to your business.
Choosing the right provider is a crucial decision that will impact your business’s performance and success. If you want to learn more about how MSPs can support your business, contact us today.